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GROOMER-GAGE® er et præcisions måleinstrument til at måle den nøjagtigte indstilling til det foretrukne grooming, dybde af groomer eller verticutting units.


GROOMER-GAGE® is a measuring instrument for accurately setting the desired grooming depth of groomer or verticutting units.

The GROOMER-GAGE® is easy to use, set the bar on the front of the rear rollers and, with the grooming blades rotating perpendicular to the bar, push the indicating rod up until the indicating block touches the blades. Read Gage for measurement.

Hands free attachement


  • This allows user to magnetically hold the Groomer-Gage® to the mower. After the gage is in place simply "push-up" the attachment.
  • Use the Hands-free on bench settings to get more consistant readings.