Fugtighedsmåler - FieldScout TDR 350

stykpris fra 11.175,00 DKK

FieldScout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter:

  • Fugtighed - Volumetric Water Content
  • Spænding - EC (Electrical Conductivity)
  • Temperatur
  • Indbygget bluetooth
  • Indbygget GPS

Et suverænt redskab til måling af jordbundsforhold. Ud over måling af fugtighed, måler den også spændingsforholdene og overfladetemperaturen. Den har indbygget GPS og Bluetooth.

Husk evt. at vælge længde på målepinde (tilkøb, se her: Målepinde til FieldScout TDR 150/350 Soil Moisture Meter).

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© John Morris Group


Læs mere HER

The FieldScout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter is used for measuring the soils moisture and temperature. It comes with some features such as internal GPS and integrated Bluetooth. The TDR 350 accurately measures soils moisture in the full range by the conditions of the soil moisture. 

  • Integrated: With Bluetooth and GPS integrated, you no longer need any additional parts for Bluetooth connectivity and geolocation of readings. Measurements can be uploaded automatically to SpecConnect with your FieldScout Pro Subscription.
  • Display: Larger backlit LCD gives you optimal contrasts for daylight and low light viewing, and larger digits to make easier to view measurements. No smartphone or computer needs to be hooked up.
  • Data logging: Large capacity data logger that can record up to 50,000 measuremeants. This can all be saved on to a USB stick, or on a smartphone, tablet via Bluetooth if you are using FieldScout Mobile Pro to SpecConnect.